Friday, April 30, 2010

I don't know how to fix the problem!

Ok, so here is the new blog. We shouldn't have any problems now. I have no idea what happened to the last website and google doesn't make it easy to contact them by phone to sort out the issue. So, here I go again. New blog title, new address. Although the website was down, we have been diligently collecting. Many keep donating their recyclables and we are very thankful. My garage is filling as we have yet to make a run to the recycling center. I expect that soon we will head there and see what numbers we come up with. For now we keep collecting and want to let you all know that we are also including newspaper into the mix. Sydney's eager to to see what the first turn-in will produce. For now, we are starting small but we truly believe that God can use our little six year olds HUGE heart to make a difference. We will see...


  1. We're starting to save bottles. There's a small bag full so far. I'll give them to you Wed. at Bible study!
